Monday, May 28, 2007

Trip up Table Mountain in the cable car

After living in Cape Town for most of my 50+ years and living in full view of the Table Mountain range, yesterday (Sunday 27th May, 2007) was the first time that I took the cable car to the top of the mountain. I have, however, climbed the mountain on a few occassions, via Skeleton Gorge and decended down Pipe track and Trolley track.
I have always wanted to ride the cable car but have never got around to doing it, until now. Another trip which I have not yet undertaken is to take the ferry across to Robben Island on which the likes of Nelson Mandela and other anti-apartheid activists were imprisoned. Today Robben Island is regarded more as a place for tourists to visit. So within the next few weeks, weather permitting, Janet and I will be taking a ferry across there. Having rediscovered the Cango Caves, spent 4 days on the Knysna Lagoon last year in one of the holiday house-boats (something which I have also planned to do for sometime) year and had a spin on a helicopter over Walker Bay in Hermanus to get an aerial view of the whales, the Stellenbosch Wine Route, Cape Point Nature Reserve and Goudini Spa (or Montague Springs) are next on the agenda for the weeks / months to come.
Something else which we have done recently too, is to take a train ride to Simonstown. I have not been on a train for many years, so this was almost like a new experience to me. Janet, Mark, Sharon and I made the trip early on a Sunday morning in last month. We met up with Lauren (who lives in Fish Hoek) and went for breakfast at the Southern Right Hotel in Glencairn, did a little walkabout in Simonstown, then took the train back home.
So much to do, so little time ......... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice one Uncle Colin....oh wait I feel a song coming on.... CLIIIIMB EVERY MOUNTAAAIN!...........

Russel Brand (South Africa) wrote
at 5:54am