Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tribute to I. Rhoda & J. October

In recent weeks, Cape Town has lost two of it's community stalwarts, in the form of Ian Rhoda and John October. These two gentlemen were involved in sport administration and education, respectively, amongst other community-based activities. Ian Rhoda was also a good friend and neighbour to the family for many years.
The large number of people who attended the funeral services, bore testimony to the fact that they were well-liked and were very popular. They will be sadly missed by family and friends, but as John October stated in the obituary that he himself wrote, "Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was; there is unbroken continuity." - I guess that what he meant is that, for
those left behind, life goes on but there will always be memories to cherish.

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